Gastric Sleeve Surgery

bariatric sleeve, gastric sleeve surgerySleeve gastrectomy is a type of restrictive surgery that results in reducing the size of the stomach in order to reduce the amount of food that is consumed.


The Gastric Sleeve Procedure


At Gastric Surgery Cyprus, for a sleeve gastrectomy we generally use the laparosopic technique  which is the least invasive way of performing the procedure.   We make several small incisions to insert the instuments and a camera to assist with creating the sleeve.     The procedure removes approximately 80% of the stomach leaving a narrow “sleeve” looking tube, hence the name of the procedure.  The procedure is permanent and is irreversible.

Who is Suitable for Gastric Sleeve Surgery?


At Gastric Surgery Cyprus we encourage all our patients to try weight loss through diet and exercise prior to considering bariatric surgery.  A patient is generally considered eligible for gastric sleeve surgery if they have a BMI 40 or higher.   However, this surgery may also be considered if the BMI is 35 or higher and a life-threatening or disabling problem related to excess weight,

Gastric Sleeve Results


At Gastric Surgery Cyprus we find that most patients lose more than 60% of their excess weight however the level  of success is directly linked to how consistently the patient follows appropriate diet and  exercise advice after their surgery.

As with all medical operations, gastric sleeve  surgery is not without risk however the degree of complications with this procedure is very low when compared to other weight loss procedures.



It is normal  to experience some initial discomfort immediately after the operation and even some nausea but this can be routinely dealt with by administering pain killers.   You will stay in hospital for approximately 3 -4 days after which you can return home or to your hotel.  At Gastric Surgery Cyprus we recommend that our patients remain in Cyprus for approximately 10 days so that we can provide you with the necessary aftercare.

After 2 weeks you will be able to resume your normal activities however, we suggest that you should refrain from heavy lifting for about four to six weeks after the sleeve gastrectomy.

You will be put on a liquid-only diet for the first one or two weeks after the surgery followed by a pureed diet for a further week.   After this you will be able to resume eating solid foods.  We recommend that you eat small portions about five time per day..

Advantages and Disadvantages of a Sleeve Gastrectomy

  • After the procedure you will feel satisfied with much smaller food intake.
  • The sleeve gastrectomy is less invasive than other gastric procedures such as like gastric bypass as it avoids cutting and disconnecting the small intestines.  This reduces the risk of many surgical complications.
  • There are no  artificial devices inserted into the body unlike the gastric band so there is nothing to slip or cause infection.
  • Using laparoscopy, this surgery can be performed even on extremely obese patients.
  • The greatest disadvantage of this procedure is that it is irreversible.
  • To avoid  discomfort, some patients have to learn how to eat slower and more thoughtfully.
  • Although the risk of complications is very low, it is increased for more obese patients.
  • If leak occurs which is very rare we can correct this by inserting a stent which will be taken away from the stomach after 3-6 weeks.

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    Why Choose Gastric Surgery Abroad?

    We have gained a 25-year reputation for excellence in patient safety, care, and customer satisfaction.

    Our nurses are highly trained in gastric surgery and patient aftercare is our top priority.

    Serene and luxury comfort make Cyprus the ideal destination for a gastric surgery holiday.